Rallying opposition to the Peoples Gas rate hike

We helped organize a rally of over 100 people to call on regulators to reject the record Peoples Gas rate hike.

Protestors hold signs at a rally outside Peoples Gas headquarters
ICJC | Used by permission

Last week, along with coalition partners, we held a 100-plus person rally outside of Peoples Gas headquarters.  We called on regulators to reject the record -breaking Peoples Gas rate hike, driven by the failing Peoples Gas pipe replacement program.

Photo by ICJC | Used by permission

The rally was a big success, covered by every television station in Chicago, and in newspapers across the state. Days later, Peoples Gas announced it had broken profit records for the sixth consecutive year.

Regulators have until the end of the year to make decisions on the Peoples Gas rate hike — and we’re going to make sure they keep hearing from Chicagoans fed up with escalating bills to fund failing fossil fuel infrastructure.



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